Thursday, February 21, 2013

5 Important things i've learned in weight loss

You must have detemination to change..must set ur own goal..u must willing to learn before u decide to change..gain as much knowledge as u can so u will keep on track..Figure out the most compelling reason why you want to lose weight. Is it because of health reasons? Are you getting married? Is your high school reunion coming up in three months and you want to look fabulous? It has to be something that is extremely important to you. Whatever it is, nail it down and think about it every time you feel like quitting. If it is important enough, you will stick with your diet.

Support group/individual
U cant do it alone..its not easy..i found atkins by reading a blog..than i follow their group in Facebook..i told my sis im doing atkins.Find someone who needs to lose weight too. Make a plan to work together toward this goal. It is much easier to lose weight when you have support...i explained to my family what i do n dont in atkins..make them uderstand it well n easy for them to consider in preparing food or invite you for dinner ;p

Eat healthy
Knowledge..reading..exploring..asking...make a right choises of food u gonna take...the more you read the more ideas u get...the more u understand about diet..the more u understand that its not a diet but its a LIFESTYLE :)

Its a MUST..stay fit n healthy..make sure u sweat daily..Walking may be the easiest method of exercise. Find anything that makes you slightly more anything that make u feel good...running is not the only choice but it is the best choic..gets your heart pumping every day will eventually result in weight loss ;)

Positive mind
Realize that losing weight will take time. You probably didn't put on your excess weight in a week. Therefore, do not expect it to take a week to get it off. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to change your lifestyle--for good. Never give takes time my friend...stay positive..stick with wat u have done so far...and u will see the result..


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