Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How does a low carb diet work

So why does a low carb diet work where so many others have failed? By eliminating a lot of your carbs you’re removing a high percentage of your refined sugar intake, as well as trans-fats & wheat. Trans-fats are our public enemy number one and should be kept to a minimum. Eating a low carbohydrate diet also means you stimulate less insulin & stimulate more glucagon, which removes fat from its storage areas and gets it ready to burn for energy [fantastic!]. Because of the multiple effects and knock on changes, this creates to your bodies inner workings, a low carb diet has also proved to help fight or prevent cases of diabetes, arthritis & cholesterol 

So, to summarise, simply cut out as much sugar & carbohydrates from your diet as possible, especially pasta, bread and cereals. Keep your protein intake high & don’t be afraid to eat! Do not starve yourself as we all know that never works out well. Good luck to all of those that try this and please let me know how it turns out.


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